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Monday, 27 August 2012

Biografi George Robert Terry

 George Robert Terry adalah salah satu tokoh manajemen yang berperan dalam memberikan teori-teori manajemen . beliau adalah penulis buku Principles of management . buku tersebut mendapatkan penghargaan berupa :
The George R. Terry Book Award is granted annually to the book judged to have made the most outstanding contribution to the advancement of management knowledge and published during the past two years (2010,2011).
  • Books that contribute to the advancement of management theory, conceptualization, research, or practice are eligible. Books intended or primarily used as textbooks are not eligible for this award.
  • Nominated books must be single-authored, not edited.
The nomination process consists of sending copies of the book to the Chair and members of the Award Committee. Nominations are normally submitted by publishers. If members wish to nominate a book, it is their responsibility to contact its publisher and ask the publisher to complete the nomination process. The recipient will be recognized at the Academy's 2012 meeting in Boston, Massachusetts, and is expected to accept the award in person.
Copies of each nominated book must be received by members of the award committee. The Terry Book Award nomination deadline is January 31, 2011. Nominated books should be delivered to committee members between January 1- February 1, 2012.

1 comment:

  1. G.R. Terry mendeffinisikan menejeman sebagai suatu proses atau kerangka kerja, yang melibatkan bimbingan atau pengarahan suatu kelompok orang-orang kearah tujuan-tujuan organisasional atau maksudmaksud yang nyata....

    blog ini sangant membantu untuk mengetahuai, sumber dari definisi itu gan. :D
